Jackie and The A~Team


Friday, October 28, 2011


So today I wrapped up week one of radiation, only 3 more to go. As I sit here to update my blog I have so much I want to say and don’t know where to start. It would be easier to keep a daily journal of this experience but don’t seem to have the time, I do however keep lots of notes in my phone.

I first want to say THANK YOU! To each of you, who are reading this blog, thank you for caring. Thank you for the kind notes, for the all the phone calls, text messages, flowers, plants, packages, for the rides, for the late night talks, for putting up with my ramblings, for the meals brought to the girls and me. Oh and the fruit that is my favorite, I cannot get enough fruit nothing else taste good but the fruit is YUMMY!

When I was first diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Breast Cancer earlier this month I can remember Dr. Nolan saying didn’t your husband want to come? I said I don’t have a husband been there done that and trying to be funny said husbands are overrated. She laughed and said what about a family member that is when I knew it was serious. I left there crying thinking man I wish I did have a husband (and if you know me you know I would never say that) I wish I had someone who would help me through this, someone to hold my hand and take care of me someone to love me through this. Someone to be by my side to help me take care of my girls someone I could confide in. I don’t know many great men I would say a handful of them if that and most of them have been there when I needed them this past month and that has been a blessing!

I also remember wishing I had my family closer, my mom in particular. Things haven’t always been the best between the 2 of us. But NO MATTER WHAT she is my mom and I love her very much and know she loves me. She now plays an active roll in my daily life, with phone calls, text messages, emails, and deliveries of everything peppermint you could think of. I am so grateful for her!

And to my best friend Lisa, who always has my back, covers for me at work, listens to me cry, complain, tell bad jokes, talk about Justin Bieber and  cute boys (not in the same category) and my love for Anderson Cooper. I do not know what I would have ever done without her, her faith and strength is such a huge example and inspiration in my life.

For the sales guys at Simmons Media who help me set up and take down everything you are the best for the sports producers for covering for me when I am too tired to talk thank you!

This past Monday was my first day of 4 weeks of radiation. I walked into the cancer center at IMC and thought I sure do not belong here. I was very quiet that day did not really talk to the radiologist or tech. It’s a little awkward sitting there exposed and vulnerable in front of a stranger. They placed the markers and then started the procedure it only takes about a total of 15 minutes. I get there and changed by 10 am daily and out the door usually by 11:30 give or take a few minutes. Yesterday was the first day I actually had a conversation with the staff they are amazing and make you feel so welcome and comfortable. They do not treat you at all like you have cancer.
As for side affects I just extremely tired a few little body aches, and teeth pain. Today I am what I call sunburned. But all in all it has not been that bad!

Ductal carcinoma in Situ had a 30% chance of recurrence; therefore I must be very pro active and fight like I have never fought before and if you know me I am a pretty good fighter. So I have no doubt that in a few months from now I will be 100% Cancer Free (with new boobies)!

I guess like any other tragedy or major disappointment in life, it just takes time to adjust. Time to get over the initial shock and fears, and to learn to trust in your body, and most importantly in the lord and enjoy your life again and I am just 3 weeks away from that. I can guarantee you that my bucket list will be complete by then and you will see nothing but amazing things from me in the future!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Alliyah and her ramblings

Well it’s me again. Yep I bet your saying what that little girl said in that Poltergeist movie. She said “Their back.” But in this case I am the their so you would say “She’s back.” Instead of their you be saying she. WOW that’s kind of confusing. Well I’m done with that whole subject.

Okay I haven’t blog for a LONG while. Well I’m back in school…… YEP it’s been okay……………………. Can we talk about something else? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!! Thank you.

I went to go see Thriller it was really AWESOME!!! There were zombie and ghost and vampires and a klown named Bubbles. He spells clown with a K. There was a really AWESOME song they played there. It was called Skinny Me. It’s a song by John Boy (He played bubbles the klown.)

Well I have had fun while I was off track. But I had to do an Egypt project but I wasn’t feeling good. You know I’m actually listening to Skinny Me right now. Music is what me and my family LOVE. I have an IPod shuffle and I listen to it quit a bit if I do say so myself. You know what I’m a tomboy but I’m friends with a bunch of girlie girls. How does that happen???

Well don’t worry this is my last thing I’m going to write about. I love the Percy Jackson series! It is like AMAZING!!!! Now I’m reading the Lost Hero series and The Kane series which are the Red Pyramid and the Throne of Fire. Yep well that’s all for now folks!!  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October is breast Cancer Awareness month as well as Domestic Violence Awareness Month….Breaking the Cycle DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

It is with a heavy heart that I wrote this blog. A lot of you know me very well, others not at all, some of you know the story of my life some of you have no idea. I am obviously and open book always have been always will be.

October is a very important month for awareness! Many people know October is Breast Cancer awareness month but did you know it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month?  

Let me start with this letter…

I am here today with one goal in mind: To see that Lee gets the help and rehabilitation he needs. I believe, the only way this can now truly be accomplished is through incarceration or inpatient rehab.

It is not easy for me to stand here in front of the man with whom I was in a relationship with for more than 13 years. A man, who through those 13-years, verbally, physically and emotionally abused me and our three-girls during cycles of drug and alcohol- induced violence. A man who not only I- but also his own daughters- are afraid of. A man who has told me several times he WILL KILL me and has said these words in the presence of our 3 children.
Lee is an opiate, meth and alcohol addict. I and our beautiful daughters ages 10, 8 and 7 have witnessed first-hand the affects of this addiction. There have been numerous incidents of Domestic Violence over the years-- too many to count. Lee has repeatedly punched me, told me he'd kill me, choked and thrown me against walls while pregnant, punched walls, harassed me, pulled my hair, called me a piece of crap, fat, ugly, not worthy of anyone's love and blamed me for all of that. The list goes on and on. Several of those incidents are documented by police: Several... only my girls and I have witnessed. And we alone will have to spend the rest or our lives finding healing for the deep scars left behind in the wake of those incidents. (Thankfully, we are all getting the much-needed help we need through therapy).
Lee is a mass manipulator. I believe that has a lot to do with why I stayed with him so long, why he only worked 3 years of our 13-year relationship, why his family continues to enable him and why he has always been offered and accepted a plea in abeyance and as a result has never been convicted or spent than 6 months in jail.
Lee is currently in a relationship with another meth-addict who has several kids. Those children were taken away from her because she and Lee had been using drugs in front of those children. In addition, her 13 year old daughter accused Lee of molesting her. These allegations have been dropped but this is a man who seriously needs help before more people get hurt by him or his addictions kill him.
I do believe
 if there are no consequences for Lee that you will see him back in this court room. Lee has already attended multiple DV classes, Cognitive Thinking Classes, Anger Management Classes, and Drug Classes (most of which, I paid for). None of these have worked long-term. Sure he's had months of sobriety, but then- inevitably- he returns to his true loves: drugs and alcohol. And those true loves always give birth to abuse, crime, loss of jobs and more.
Ultimately I believe that a treatment center over jail time would benefit Lee greatly. A
long term inpatient, residential court-ordered program would be so much harder for Lee than any incarceration.
In the words of a well-known author and therapist: "A person who is acting out self-destructively has no reason to change if they do not ever suffer major consequences for their behavior. If they are rescued from consequences, they are enabled to continue practicing their addiction." And I would add to that, that they are then encouraged to keep destroying the lives of all those around them: A true threat to themselves, their families and society.
Please, I am begging you to give Lee the help he really needs to prevent further destruction. More importantly give me and my children a year of not being afraid, for me to not have to always be looking over my shoulder to protect me and my daughters. Thank you.

Would you have ever thought the lady who wrote that letter is the same person who is writting this blog....yes, me Jackie Fristoe?

I never thought I would write a letter like this either and then be able to get up and read this in front of my abuser and his family and read it without fear! Two years ago I began my journey of healing and processing what has happened over the last 13 years. I am still in the healing process as it will take several years to overcome the abuse! My eyes have been opened and I want to help educate people that NO MATTER what you should never feel like this, that there is an out! YOU TOO CAN BREAK THE CYCLE!

One in four women and one in thirteen men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. While these incidents don’t typically involve mass murders and rarely make headlines, it is not uncommon for domestic violence to spill over to the workplace. According to a 2005 survey by the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence, 21 percent of full-time employed adults were victims of domestic violence and 64 percent said their work performance was significantly impacted.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in the United States, 1.3 million women and 830,000 men are assaulted each year by people they believe love them. In a 2005 survey, the Centers for Disease Control found that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men are victims of domestic violence at some point.

It goes on in teen couples as well as in adult relationships. One study found that 1 in 5 high school girls reported being physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. Another study of teen dating behavior found that 3 out of 5 teens say they’ve had a boyfriend or girlfriend who made them feel bad or embarrassed about themselves.

Victims often don’t complain. Their partners may have instilled such fear in them that they don’t dare say anything. Or, they have become so inured to the manipulation and violence that they don’t recognize they are victims. Sadly, it is often only when someone has become seriously hurt or has an emotional breakdown that friends, family members, or professionals even realize what is going on.

The Cycle of Violence

The victims are on the other side of this interaction. Sometimes the buildup of psychological and verbal abuse is subtle and gradual. Over time, the person they love undermines their self-esteem and makes them feel more and more dependent. The victim really doesn’t see it coming.

In other cases, the victim comes from a long history of childhood victimization. Like most people, she or he was drawn to the familiar when drawn to a mate. For them, being yelled at, put down, coerced into sex or taken advantage of is just more of the same.

This is what is meant by the “cycle of violence.” With somewhere between 3.3 and 10 million children witnessing some form of domestic violence every year, it’s understandable that many of those kids learn to accept abuse as normal.” The pattern of abuser/victim is then bumped from generation to generation. Unless someone in the family gets angry enough or desperate enough to call in help, or unless someone outside the family intervenes, the behaviors continue to the detriment of the individuals involved and to society as a whole. Violence in families is linked to high rates of substance abuse and addictions, mental illness, suicides, and sexual acting out as well as criminal behaviors.

The cycle of violence can be stopped. Victims can be helped to find the strength to seek and accept protection, advice, and practical help from their local shelters and mental health clinics. Abusers can learn how to appropriately express anger and how to be loving partners by attending programs for partners against violence or therapy. Couples can learn how to love and supportive partners and parents through couples counseling and parent education classes. And children of abusive relationships can be healed when their parents get themselves and the children into treatment.

When domestic violence is known in an extended family or in a network of friends, there is no such thing as being an innocent bystander. To know about abuse and do nothing is to enable and support it. Family, friends, and professionals who are concerned about a family can and should help them face the issues and get the help they need.

If you know someone who is a victim of domestic violence please see attached links


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Summer of Concerts!

PHEW, another summer passes by. And as a mom I always hope that my kids enjoy their summer break. I can remember as a kid, my mom would always try and do one way super fun thing and we always did!

I can remember back to some of my first concerts and going to see The New Kids On the Block….wow I was so excited. But then after we got home I can remember crying because I did not get to meet them… ha ha the dreams of a 12 year old. I remember we lived in Arizona and my dad was driving my mom and I to the concert and our car broke down so someone I think it was my moms friend came and picked us up and dropped us off. I will never forget all the trouble my parents went to get me to the concert!

In our house music is just apart of our everyday lives, it makes me cry at least once a day. I look to music for a lot of different reasons. Therefore my girls are influenced and touched by music as well.

Alliyah was 2 when she went to her first concert I took her to see O-Town in Idaho, Blackfoot Idaho at the state fair. Every year since then I have taken Alliyah to see Sugarland her most favorite band besides Paramore.

So this summer I knew it was going to be crazy for summer concerts. And I am very blessed to work in radio so I have a few connections and seem to get free tickets or I often buy them from a broker if I want good seats….

We kicked of the Summer Concerts Alliyah and me by seeing Fuel at Viva Salt Lake in June. Fuel use to be one of my favorite bands and Alliyah has grown to love them as well. So when we had the chance to go we went! I think she liked it for the most part.

July rolls around and its time for the Katy Perry California Dreams Tour & Kenny Chesney Goin Coastal Tour.

I ended up taking Audrey to Kenny Chesney since she is the biggest Kenny Chesney fan in the house. It was good and fun, we left early though to beat the crowd plus everyone was WAY drunk!

California Dreams Tour, this show I was originally only going to take Alliyah to because I think some of her songs are a little inappropriate for young kids. Ayden had her heart and hopes up for this concert for a long time. A kid I work with said no worries I will get you tix well guess what he did NOT! So I ended up buying the tickets and good heavens was it pricey. But it was so worth it during the show a guy came up to me and said would your girls like to dance on stage with Katy Perry? I said YES! End of story one of the greatest experiences for Ayden and her FIRST CONCERT!!

August rolls around and its time for my FAVORITE Sugarland, I had planned on taking Alliyah and my dad was coming up from St. George as well. Alliyah and I sat front row last year in May for Sugarland and it was so much fun!! Well this year was a little different since I am working in country radio I had access to backstage. I was stoked I do not get star struck anymore but this was Jennifer Nettles, one of my bucket list things is to spend a day with her and Kristian Bush and just hang out with them and write songs. Anyway long story here I will try to make it short.

On August 13 before a performance at the state far in Indiana a freak accident occurred and the Stage for Sugarland collapsed killing several people and injuring many more. It was heartbreaking. Alliyah and I thought they would definitely cancel the show. We went about our week not sure if they would cancel or not. I had already bought our pit passes and my dad was coming up on the bus. We just played it by ear; much tour surprise they still came even though they had to rent instruments had no stage they still came. They had canceled all meet and greets and I was a little sad but Alliyah who is 11 said mom just be happy they are still coming!
So we went and we are fan club members so we got it early and we stood in front of the stage. It was not something I will never forget nor will Alliyah. We made LOVE flags to show our support to those who died in the accident and to show our LOVE to Sugarland.

Then comes September and Selena Gomez this was all about Miss Ayden and did she have so much fun. Second row to her favorite singer…and of course she got some pretty awesome souvenirs.

Also in September was Flatts Fest and this was all about Audrey! Audrey and I saw Rascal Flatts years ago 3rd row and she loved it. I always told her that as soon as they come back to Utah I will take you! So here we are….

 I am so blessed to be able to enjoy so many great adventures in my life and so lucky I have 3 little girls who are willing to tag along with their crazy mama for some fun!


 So our days are typically pretty busy when the girls are in school. But they are off track for most of this month and things seem busier than ever….except last night we did not do anything and it was the first night since my surgery and radiation that I actually felt I had any energy we made cookies, played the wii. I kicked butt at Karaoke the girls thought I was crazy because I knew all the words to “Love is a Battlefield” and “I’ll be there” yep I know all the words!
Then Ayden wanted us to all watch her sing Selena Gomez songs and listen to her as she talked about the Selena Gomez Concert…

So this is how we spent out whole evening…

Hmmmmm… what will tonight bring?

Monday, October 10, 2011

I love Sundays a quiet day after church with my girls….today is the first day that I have actually had time to think about the events that have taken place over the last week and a half. I had surgery on September 30 with inoperative radiation. And then early last week we got the word that it was in fact stage 1 breast cancer. As I think I posted before that it is not a big deal….that the DR. was 100% sure she removed everything during the surgery

As I sit here and think about the past few weeks everything happened so quickly, but I had already promised that I would help plan a charity event. And there was so many people counting on me to get things done. I did not have time to think about what was happening or to feel to sorry for myself. I think that this was a true blessing, and I am beyond grateful for Ryan Davis and the Ryan’s Pennies Foundation for keeping me busy and side tracked the last few weeks, it helped to keep me grounded and level headed.

I will go in this week for a full body scan and then the team of doctors will put in place a game plan for my treatment. It looks as if it will only require radiation and just a week long of going in for about 10-15 minutes a day. NO BIG DEAL right? Well till you think about what this is currently doing to my body….my mouth is hurting so bad my teeth hurt beyond belief and I have sores all over my mouth….UGH!!!

I am so grateful to everyone who brought in dinner to the girls and I, to everyone who checked on me, called me, sent me a text.

Yesterday as we had gotten in the car to head out to Layton for our charity event we stopped at the mailbox and there was a package in there addressed to me. I opened it and it was a beautiful guardian angel and every kind of heart candy you could imagine with 2 beautiful cards. One from my niece Laila and one from Wendy this made me cry right away and the girls said those are happy tears right mom? I said yes, I do not think they realize how much this made my day or my week!  My angel and cards sit on my night stand and remind me that I am not alone J

Thank you!!

Today at church someone asked me how I was doing and I was OK till she asked me then I started crying and cried all day!  We had made plans to go over to see the Gomez house in Daybreak. I was very lucky to get in touch with her and had her come out to the Ryan’s Pennies Foundation kick off. She was so sweet to show the girls and me the entire house. As I left there thinking of the everyday struggle she deals with and the unknown. I am even more grateful for my circumstances and knowing that everything will be OK!

I look forward to the end when they say OK you can now do reconstructive surgery, I could never justify a boob job before but after this I think I can!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Surgery DONE!

Friday was surgery day! First of all let me thank Dr. Nolan and her wonderful team!!! Lisa, Melissa, Nicole, K, Jason, Justin, Jon, Keith, Alan, Tracy, Jim and all my boys at 1280 and 97.5 The Zone for all the Love and support! For the rides, for the cupcakes, icee’s, dinners, covering my air shifts, stopping by to help me get my car to start, for the peppermint candy, peppermint tea, and ginger ale deliveries.

All in all things went GOOD. I was dropped off at surgical center around 8am. Got all dressed down to some fancy hospital clothes (I wanted to take a picture but they would not let me WHATEVER!!) Rhonda the nurse (yes that was her real name) she came in asked 5,000 questions then put in an IV did a terrible job see picture below!!

Meet with the guy who puts you to sleep luckily his name was not Dr. Conrad… (I know so not funny but I could not resist!) I warned him that after my last 2 knee surgeries I would wake up crying because he did not give me a tummy tuck….He laughed like I was joking I warned him again I would really wake up crying and upset. He said no worries I will take care of that (I was like sweet a tummy, he will take care of that but nope!)

I remember them taking me into the freezing room and strapping me down to the table yeah they should do that after they put you to sleep!! They said just count backwards from 5 and I remember getting to 3 and that was it.

I woke up much to my surprise NOT CRYING!!! I was in a little pain and grouchy! I have no family here in Utah so it was just me. No one for the Doctor to talk to and she did not come in and talk to me because she was busy with surgeries. I can remember the nurse asking my how my pain was I said it hurts she said yes the doctor took out a much bigger mass than she thought was there.

She warned me that I would more than likely feel nauseous from some inoperative radiation that they did while I was cut open. She said everyone’s bodies will react different.

It hit me more that I had expected!! I was so sick to my stomach and still am occasionally... ok all the time. I have body aches as if I had the flu and my teeth hurt. That is so weird to me that my teeth hurt but OUCH!!!

I had to get some IV fluids yesterday because I was so sick and she wanted to push the radiation out a little faster.
The Dr. looked at me and said I am so glad you are so sick; I wanted to smack her but had no energy to do so. I just started crying how dare she say that to anyone. She said that is good news that means the radiation is doing its job. I asked her more about what she saw and what she took out. She replied I took out what looks to be a non-invasive cancerous tumor more than likely a stage 1 it was bigger than I thought. But I did get all of it out as well as the milk ducts and lobules. (So basically yeah I have half a boob. I will talk more about that later!)

I am thinking this is all great news and looking am looking forward to more good news later in the week. We will know for sure on wed or thurs what pathology says. Fingers crossed.

I have had so many people ask me how I found this lump and how old I am.

I am 32 years old (33 in 3 months) and I found it through a routine home exam and some pain in my elbow I will blog about that after while.

I thank you all for your kind thoughts messages, prayers, phone calls and all of the kindness brought to my doorstep. I ask for one favor prayers that there will be great news later in the week and I will need NO more Radiation!!

Much Love!!!
